Happy Dancing Turtle is offering classes for 4 and 5 year olds to learn about sustainability and nature appreciation.
Beginning Sept. 12 and continuing on the second and fourth Mondays through Nov. 28, the Tiny Turtles program offers young children time to explore the natural world around them at the Hunt Utilities Group Resilient Living Campus.
“We learn about plants, animals and their habitats, and more! Classes are held entirely outdoors from 10 to 11:30 a.m. each class date,” said Program Coordinator Michelle Hoefs. “Kids must be dressed for the weather each day, whether that means mud boots and raincoats or full winter gear — the season will be changing as we go. We are especially excited that one of the November dates will include activities with WonderTrek Children’s Museum.”
Session dates will be Sept. 12 and 26, Oct. 10 and 24, and Nov. 14 and 28. Fee is $30 per child. For more information or to register, visit www.happydancingturtle.org/tiny-turtles or contact Michelle Hoefs at (218) 587-2303 or info@happydancingturtle.org
Happy Dancing Turtle is a nonprofit dedicated to growing good stewards of the planet by providing education, programs, and experiences for youth and adults that inspire wonder and empower change.
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